ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (BikePed)

Greenville MPO (1)
Mask (2)
Route 1 (5)
Route 2 (6)
Route 3 (7)
Route 4 (8)
Route 5 (9)
Route 6 (10)
Existing Shared-Use Path (12)
Shared-Use Path Shared-Use Path
Existing_TSUP_Fac_Linear (13)
Existing Bicycle Facility (14)
Paved Shoulder Paved Shoulder
Sharrow Sharrow
Bike Lane Bike Lane
Existing Sidewalk (15)
Sidewalk Sidewalk
RailroadFacility (17)
GK Butterfield Transportation Center GK Butterfield Transportation Center
Transload Transload
RailroadCrossings (18)
At Grade At Grade
Grade Separated Grade Separated
Railroad (19)
CSX Transportation CSX Transportation
Norfolk Southern Norfolk Southern
Airport (21)
Airport Pavement (22)
Evacuation Routes (24)
NC Truck Network (25)
Available to all trucks Available to all trucks
STAA Vehicles with NCDOT Approval STAA Vehicles with NCDOT Approval
Truck restriction Truck restriction
Pitt County (27)
Railroad (28)
NCRoutes (29)
Interstate Interstate
US Route US Route
NC Route NC Route
Secondary Route Secondary Route
Non-System Non-System
Ramp Ramp
Tar River (30)
Parks (31)
Parks (additional) (32)
Pitt_County_Parcels (33)
Municipalities (34)
Extraterritorial Jurisdictions (35)
Pitt County (36)