Greenville MPO (1)
Mask (2)
Route 1 (5)
Route 2 (6)
Route 3 (7)
Route 4 (8)
Route 5 (9)
Route 6 (10)
Existing Shared-Use Path (12)
| Shared-Use Path |
Existing_TSUP_Fac_Linear (13)
Existing Bicycle Facility (14)
| Paved Shoulder |
| Sharrow |
| Bike Lane |
Existing Sidewalk (15)
| Sidewalk |
RailroadFacility (17)
| GK Butterfield Transportation Center |
| Transload |
RailroadCrossings (18)
| At Grade |
| Grade Separated |
Railroad (19)
| CSX Transportation |
| Norfolk Southern |
Airport (21)
Airport Pavement (22)
Evacuation Routes (24)
NC Truck Network (25)
| Available to all trucks |
| STAA Vehicles with NCDOT Approval |
| Truck restriction |
Pitt County (27)
Railroad (28)
NCRoutes (29)
| Interstate |
| US Route |
| NC Route |
| Secondary Route |
| Non-System |
| Ramp |
Tar River (30)
Parks (31)
Parks (additional) (32)
Pitt_County_Parcels (33)
Municipalities (34)
Extraterritorial Jurisdictions (35)
Pitt County (36)