HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText
Type ID Field: null
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Call Type, length: 50
, Coded Values:
[Tree Down (ROW): Tree Down (ROW)]
, [Tree Down (Power): Tree Down (POWER)]
, [Tree Down (Ditch): Tree Down (DITCH)]
, ...6 more...
Description: Point feature later for tree inventory. Includes information on species, location, health, size, and any work that's needed for that tree.
Description: Point features depicting the locations of the curb ramps along the locally administered roads reviewed as part of the Pavement Condition Study. The data was collected by the consultant Transmap Engineering, and delivered in June 10, 2021. Transmap had multiple field crews on-site inspecting ADA ramps in the City of Greenville, Town of Ayden and the Town of Winterville. The field crews checked each verified curb ramp to include; Running Slope, Cross Slope, Detectable Warning, and recording type of ramp. The field crew verified the information that was extracted from the images during Transmap’s initial curb ramp extraction. This is limited to the roads that the vehicle drove and ramps that were visible in the Right-of-Way. The Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG) was used during field inspections.Greenville ADA Compliance Data Dictionary:Fields: Description – OptionsOBJECTID_12: Esri number schema Shape: Esri generated field WARNING: Is the dome truncated? – Responses: Yes, NoCOLOR: Color of ADA – Responses: Black, Yellow, Other, NoneCITY: Geographic area – Responses: Ayden, Greenville, WintervilleAssetID: Transmap unique ID Roadname: Provided by Greenville MPO centerline ExtVIEWER: Images from On-Sight vehicle from 4DEC19 to 12DEC19 pitch0: Run slope measurement in degrees pitch1: Flare slope or landing slope in degrees pitch2: Flare slope or landing slope in degrees pitch3: Flare Slope or landing slope in degrees pitch4: Landing slope in degrees pitch5: Additional measurements in degrees coor: Lat/Long Coordinates link0: Images from system 9 link1: Images from system 9 link2: Images from system 9 link3: Images from system 9 link4: Images from system 9 link5: Images from system 9 Det_warn: Detectable Warning – Responses: Pass, Fail, N/ARun_Slope: Run Slope – Responses: Pass, Fail, N/AFlare_Slop: Flare Slope – Responses: Pass, Fail, N/ALand_Slope: Landing Slope – Responses: Pass, Fail, N/ACompliance: City compliance – Responses: Pass, Fail, N/ADateCollected: Slope Field data collection date
Service Item Id: f910fcea0bce496fa1a109771adbfe30
Copyright Text: Prepared for the Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, Including Greenville, Winterville, and Ayden. Prepared by Transmap Engineering. Led by Howard Luxhoj, PE and Craig A. Schorling, from Transmap, and the Greenville Urban Area MPO Transportation Planner.